Abraham Lincoln
(2018). [Image]. Retrieved from https://www.google.pt/search?rlz=1C1PRFE_enPT712PT713&biw=1455&bih=756&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=pecDW6GsJ4v8Utr1s9gN&q=Abraham+Lincoln+public+domain&oq=Abraham+Lincoln+public+domain&gs_l=img.
In a state named Kentucky, there lived a boy named Abraham Lincoln. This boy later became a reader, and a lawyer, and later became one of the president of the United States of America.
When Abraham Lincoln was 10 he had a best friend. He used to play with him a lot. One day Abraham Lincoln had to move to Indiana. Abraham was really good at making friends quick so it didn’t matter to him a lot. Before Abe’s family moved his mother died. Then Abraham Lincoln and his sister’s life was different, and he was lonely. No one, was there to tell him Bible stories now. Even though his father used to tell him stories he was really busy now. One day his father married another wife. Now Abe had a stepmom, and three step siblings. Abe’s stepmom used to tell him Bible stories, and he really enjoyed spending time with her. But Abe still missed his mother.
When Abraham Lincoln got older he went to fight in the Indiana war. There he led the group of people to win. Then he came back from the war and opened a shop.One day, the ideas from a book changed his whole life. A man who sold a wagon to Abe had left the book the wagon. The book was a law book. He closed his shop and started spending his all time reading that book. Later he became a lawyer and he won many cases. he was also known as a honest lawyer and many people came to him to ask him to fight for their cases.
One day he went with his senior lawyer to his house. He saw a girl and then fell in love with her. Then because he was really kind and helpful to people, the people decided to support him in his run for President of USA.
In November 6, 1860 he became a President of USA. Then President Lincoln’s family moved to the White House. During his presidency Abraham Lincoln had to make decisions about freeing slaves or not. Many people were against slavery, but many from the South wanted to continue slavery. This was the biggest decision that President Abraham Lincoln had to make. It also later lead to his death. But Abraham Lincoln was a good president. He made a wise decision and said yes, slaves should be free.
One day Abe rushed to his home to see his son, Willie because he was very sick. But sadly his 11 year old son died. Later during his presidency his wife wanted to cheer up the president. So she asked him to take her the to theatre. While they were there an actor named John Booth Wilkes shot President Abraham Lincoln. The honoured President Abraham Lincoln who was loved by many people died.
The work that he had done has been honoured, and in 2018 people still respect him as a good president. He is still known for his Gettysburg Address, “that the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth, helped united the country again.”
Collins, David. God’s Leader For A Nation Abraham Lincoln. Milford, MI: Matt Media, 1983.
Colver, Anne. Abraham Lincoln. Champaign, IL: Irv, Docktor: Garrard Press, 1963.